What do Coolermed devices do?
Coolermed Cold Chain
Vaccines, medicines, blood and medicinal products are vital products that should be stored to a certain degree. Coolermed coolers and freezers offer high quality standards to store these valuable products in the most accurate conditions. All processes from design to the final point in production are followed through strict procedures.
Innovative Designs
Coolermed offers innovative, user-friendly design for cooling systems for the storage of medical products with the claim: Development of reliable and safe cooling solutions to meet high demands on the reliability of cooling systems in the medical field.

Energy Saving
Each Coolermed refrigerator and freezer is designed to minimize energy consumption with its features, components and functions. Producing less energy consumer refrigerators motivates us to make well-equipped vaccine refrigerators and blood refrigerators.
Medical Cooler Products
Features and details of advanced Coolermed products
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