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Conditions of Vaccination


There are curious details about the place, conditions where the vaccine will be applied in the axis of infant and childhood vaccines or the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been on the agenda recently. In this article we will talk about the conditions of vaccination. Both healthcare professionals and healthcare providers seek answers to questions such as whether vaccines can be vaccinated everywhere or what the conditions of vaccination should be.

On this axis, the conditions and features of the place where the vaccine will be applied are in compliance with the regulation presented by the Ministry of Health and the correct storage conditions of vaccination gain importance. So, is it possible to be vaccinated anywhere? It is necessary to answer this question by emphasizing the importance of the materials in the area in question as well as the conditions of the area to be vaccinated.

As Coolermed, we are working on the need for cabinets in vaccine rooms of health institutions that comply with vaccine cold chain rules. We believe in the importance of developing and continuing technologies for a healthier society. So, what should be the right vaccine environment conditions?

Where Can Vaccination Be Made?

For the place to be vaccinated: Health centers and maternal/child health centers are preferred for routine vaccinations, while Tuberculosis Dispensaries serve for BCG vaccination. In addition, District Health Directorates and hospitals (such as rabies, pilgrimage and Umrah) can be easily reached for different vaccine alternatives.

In addition to the public vaccines provided by the Ministry of Health, private vaccines can also be used during vaccination. The answer to the question of where the vaccine can be made is answered by more than one option, as we mentioned above.

When it comes to vaccines, many steps such as vaccine supply, storage, application and follow-up gain importance. Vaccines, in which cold chain is used during supply, are stored in appropriate conditions in centers and hospitals. The areas where vaccines are applied are at least as important as transportation and storage conditions for effective results. So, what should be the characteristics of the vaccine application area?

Places and Conditions of Vaccines

There should be separate areas called “vaccination rooms” in health centers, health centers and hospitals, which are among the places to be vaccinated. The features of these vaccination rooms are discussed with topics such as being hygienic, being spacious and easily accessible, having a sink for hand washing, not being too hot. As with other medical interventions, field hygiene is at the forefront during vaccination.

There are hand washing units in the vaccination rooms so that healthcare workers can wash their hands before vaccination. During the application, it is stated that there should be only one person inside and the room should be a quiet environment at a minimum level. Another important element in the conditions of vaccination will be applied is the injector safe waste box. The syringe safe waste box is used to dispose of used needles after vaccine administration.

If the vaccine needs to be administered in the field rather than in a closed environment, vaccine stations that people can easily reach are preferred for vaccination. Precautions must be taken at vaccination stations to ensure that vaccines are minimally affected by environmental conditions. Vaccines in these areas; must be stored away from direct sun, dust or rain.

Importance of Vaccine Application Areas in Post-Process Control and Follow-up

Vaccines are brought to the areas where they are needed with the cold chain and stored in refrigerators that offer suitable conditions. In this way, vaccines are brought to the application stage with the utmost care. Follow-up and regular application of the vaccinations of pregnant women, babies and children coming to health centers and health centers; It is important for the health of individuals and society. Vaccination in an environment in accordance with the rules facilitates the registration process and the follow-up as a result. Thanks to the appropriate environment and sufficient health workers, children can be prevented from reaching needles or different precise materials.

Thanks to the vaccine made under hygienic conditions, it is possible to prevent the undesired effects that may occur after the vaccination to a large extent. Vaccines offered after undergoing strict controls are approved by the World Health Organization and are also tested within the framework of Good Manufacturing Procedures. Even with these vaccines, mild or serious side effects can occur, although rarely. Thanks to the precautions to be taken in advance for the conditions of vaccination will be administered, immediate action can be taken in cases where urgent intervention is required.

Features of Vaccine Administration Rooms

In order to get an answer to the question of how the place to be vaccinated should be, the principles communicated by the Ministry of Health regarding the establishment of a vaccine application room are listed as follows;

  • Vaccination rooms should be at the standards of the outpatient clinic room.
  • Only one person should be admitted to the vaccination room and crowding in front of the room should be avoided.
  • There should be spacious waiting areas in front of the rooms.
  • Vaccination rooms should be easily accessible.
  • Safe waste bin; It should be positioned in such a way that the vaccinating healthcare personnel can practically dispose of the used needle.
  • There should be a hand washing unit in the vaccination room and the healthcare worker should wash their hands before the vaccination or after touching any contaminated material.

In this context, we see that the conditions of vaccination will be applied have a significant impact on public health. Thanks to vaccines, many diseases can be prevented and community immunity develops. Timely and correctly administered vaccines play a saving role. In order for vaccines to be administered in the most correct way, they also need to be transported and stored correctly. All vaccines are known to be heat sensitive. Continuity in the cold chain is very important, as vaccines exposed to high temperatures deteriorate.

Cold chain; It is defined as the name given to the system in which a vaccine is included in the period from its production to reaching people. Vaccines transported from city warehouses to health institutions are kept in cold storage and refrigerators in these institutions. In the refrigerators where vaccines are stored, antiserum and ice, batteries can be stored apart from the vaccine. Apart from these, no materials or food should be placed in refrigerators.

How Vaccine Storage Cabinet Should Be?

In order to protect the vaccines in a healthy way in the place where the vaccine will be applied, there are some features of the refrigerators where the vaccines in the warehouses can be stored, these are stated as follows.

  • Refrigerators should have double doors.
  • Vaccine refrigerator should have thermometers.
  • Refrigerators should have a system that will detect the excessive heat change and warn accordingly.
  • The temperature of the refrigerator should remain constant between +2 and +8 degrees.
  • The environment where refrigerators are stored should not be exposed to high or low temperatures.
  • There should be an average of 10 to 15 cm distance between the wall and the refrigerator positioned in front of it, and the cabinet should be placed on a flat surface.

Coolermed, which has been operating for many years, offers product alternatives with high quality standards in line with the needs of the medical and health sector. Offering a wide range of products, Coolermed provides safe use with refrigerators that meet the criteria set by the Ministry of Health.

Vaccine Applications from Past to Present in Turkey

Vaccines take an important place among the methods of coping with preventable diseases. Vaccinations, especially in infancy and childhood, support the immunity of individuals and community immunity.

When we look at the history of vaccination, which reached the beginning of the 1700s, the progress that started with the smallpox vaccination; continued with the discovery and development of rabies, cholera, leprosy, plague and many more vaccines. Today, new vaccine studies continue in line with new diseases.

Babies born in Turkey are vaccinated according to a certain vaccination schedule and become immune to 10 different diseases. As a result of the work of the Immunization Advisory Board, which has been under the Ministry of Health since 2008, for infants within the scope of the GBP (Extended Immunization Program) in Turkey; whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and hemophilus influenza type B vaccines are given. After babies and children in vaccination, priority is given to women who are in the fertile period and who are pregnant.

In this article, we have talked about the conditions of vaccination. You can read our previous article on https://coolermed.com/en/control-of-expired-vaccines-and-medical-waste/