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13 Different Medical Devices Used in Hospitals

13 Medical Devices Used in Hospitals Most

Hospitals can be defined as health institutions where diseases are diagnosed and treated. Therefore, it is quite common and important in settlements. Today, the need for medical devices is increasing to carry out the process from the diagnosis of diseases to the storage of materials. Therefore, each unit of the hospital has its special medical device. Some devices come to the fore as devices that are frequently needed and play an important role in the diagnosis of the disease. So what are the medical devices used in hospitals?

We have researched the 13 most used medical devices in hospitals and what they do for you. As a result, we can especially emphasize how important the function of medical coolers is in hospitals. You can also get an idea about Coolermed medical coolers by reading the information we have prepared about the medical devices used in hospitals and their details.

Resonance Imaging (MR) Device

One of the most used devices in hospitals, MRI is the test used to create detailed pictures of the body. Strong magnets, radio waves, and computers are used. It is an imaging system that is drug-free, painless, and without harmful rays. It is used in the diagnosis of many diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a highly preferred diagnostic method for herniated discs, spinal disorders, slipped back, neck hernia, scoliosis, brain tumors, and neurological findings affecting the brain and spinal cord tissues.

Ultrasonography (USG) Device

The USG device, known as ultrasound, is used to examine invisible changes in the human body. For this, it moves through the tissues by using frequencies that cannot be heard by the human ear. Ultrasound is taken by radiologists. It serves to diagnose diseases by evaluating the appearance of internal organs.

Many diseases such as lung, gastrointestinal, kidney diseases, and spine-related diseases can be diagnosed with ultrasound. For example, structural defects on the main vessels such as the heart and aorta can be noticed with cardiac ultrasound.

X-Ray Device

X-rays are used for tissue and bone imaging in hospitals. The inside of the body is visualized with X-rays. It is a painless form of imaging. It is very effective in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It is widely used among medical devices used in hospitals. For example, in cases such as falling or hitting, X-rays can be taken and the fracture can be detected. X-ray is also a procedure that should be performed by radiography specialists.

Vaccine Refrigerator

Vaccine refrigerator is not only among the medical devices used in hospitals. It is also a very important device for laboratories and pharmacies. Vaccines and serums can be stored in vaccine cabinets at a certain temperature. Vaccine cabinets are essential for cold chain application, which is very important for vaccines. Because vaccines need to maintain a temperature between 2 and 8 degrees to maintain their effectiveness. If there is a different temperature specified in particular, appropriate vaccine cabinets should be preferred.

It is important that different vaccine types can be stored in the vaccine cabinet at the same time. Coolermed vaccine cabinets allow for trouble-free storage of vaccines. Moreover, you can see vaccine cabinets with different capacities. The inner body structure is stainless steel and durable. An important feature of Coolermed vaccine cabinets is the lock system. Unauthorized persons cannot use the device.

Angiography Device

The process of imaging body vessels is called angiography. The drug containing the contrast agent that makes the veins visible is injected into the body and imaging is performed with the angiography device. Vascular disorders that feed the heart and assessments of heart muscle function can be diagnosed by angiography. However, developing technology also provides the possibility of coronary CT angiography, in other words, virtual angiography. Among hospital equipment, angiography devices are very important for the diagnosis of heart diseases.

Ultra Low-Temperature Freezer

Medical coolers can be grouped in two ways: indoor and outdoor use. As medical devices are used in hospitals, medical cabinets are included for indoor use. However, outdoor medical coolers are also needed. It is very important that products with a high risk of deterioration, such as drugs, vaccines, and blood samples, maintain their temperature during transport. Devices such as the ultra-low temperature freezer make it easier to store medical products outside.

The Coolermed Outdoor Ultra Deep Freezer product provides cold air between -40 and -72 degrees and is therefore suitable for outdoor use. Considering the environment in which the device is operating, you can choose the appropriate volume of Coolermed ultra-deep freezer. In addition, ultra-deep freezers that can work with the help of solar panels and batteries are also advantageous in places where the electricity network is not sufficient.

Mammography Device

Among the medical devices used in hospitals, the mammography device is of great importance, especially for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. A mammography device is a screening tool that takes an X-ray of the breast. In addition to clinical examination, it is an important auxiliary diagnostic method that allows for early intervention.

Blood Storage Cabinet

Keeping blood products at the required temperature is possible with blood bank cabinets. Therefore, we can say that it is of vital importance among the medical devices used in hospitals. Blood storage cabinets are very important for hospitals, blood centers, and laboratories. It is effective in keeping blood products constant at +4 degrees.

Among the Coolermed blood cabinets, you can see cabinets with different volumes and features. Considering the sensitivity of blood products, you can examine the Coolermed blood cabinets, which provide maximum hygiene and protection. The ability to record data for 30 days greatly facilitates the follow-up of blood products.

Defibrillator Device

The defibrillator device is defined as an electro-shock device. This device, which is used to deliver high currents for a short time, stops the abnormally fast beating of the heart and allows it to return to the normal heart rate. When applied to the newly stopped heart, it causes the heart to be stimulated from the outside and contracted.

Mechanical Ventilator Device

A mechanical ventilator is used to support breathing. When the lungs cannot perform their functions, the patient can breathe with the help of a device. This breathing process is provided by the ventilator device. The ability of the patient to perform the required breathing artificially with this device is defined as mechanical ventilation.

Medicine Storage Cabinet

A medical cooling cabinet is used to keep medicines intact until their expiration date. Although it is known to be very important for pharmacies, we can say that medicine storage cabinets are frequently used among the medical devices used in hospitals.

Different storage conditions may be required due to the active ingredients and properties of the drugs. However, it is very important that different medicines can be stored simultaneously and systematically.

Bedside Monitors

Bedside monitors provide patient monitoring and control in many ways. Monitoring the current status of critical parameters such as heart rhythm, pressure, oxygen saturation, and temperature is possible with bedside monitors. It is of great importance among the medical devices used especially in hospitals with intensive care units.

Laboratory Devices

There are many medical devices and supplies in laboratories because one of the environments where the tests and tests for the diagnosis and treatment of patients are evaluated is in the laboratory. Many medical materials such as blood samples are studied. However, some drugs and vaccines used can also be stored in the laboratory. Therefore, medical coolers, which are among the medical devices used in hospitals, are also suitable for laboratory environments. In addition, laboratories are one of the areas where hygiene conditions should be quite strong. Therefore, care should be taken in the sterilization of these devices.

Coolermed products, which are designed products for the needs of the health sector, offer many alternatives for medical devices used in hospitals. You can provide medical waste cabinets not only for drugs, vaccines, or blood samples but also for waste. You can review Coolermed medical refrigerator cabinets, which have the features that should be in a health institution, on our site.

You can read our previous article from https://coolermed.com/freezer-ultra-deep-freezer-which-one-is-the-right-choice-for-you/.